!% -SD !% Constant Story "A Day in the Shoes of Caitlin^"; Constant MANUAL_PRONOUNS; ! Optional, but useful Constant MAX_SCORE=1; Constant DEATH_MENTION_UNDO; Include "Parser"; Include "VerbLib"; Include "SmartCantGo"; ! Optional, demo of using a Library package !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! [ Initialise; location = field; ]; !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! Class Room with description "A nondescript location.", cant_go "You don't seem to be making much progress.", has light; !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! Room field "Field" with description "You're in a field. Exits n,s,e,w", cant_go "Actually, you can't go this way. My bad.", e_to forest_field; Object grass "Grass" field with name 'grass', with after [; Eat: print_ret "It tastes bitter."; ], has edible concealed; Room forest_field "Field" with description "You're in a field next to a forest. You can go back west to the field. There's a path to the east. Wild cougars prevent you from going north or south.", w_to field, e_to clearing, s_to bank1, n_to "You want to go mountain climbing?! I don't think so."; Object bike "bike" forest_field with name 'bike', with description "A bike. With an ecolocation pod attached. And a bell. And it seems to be twiching." with before [; Climb: print_ret "You get on the bike."; ], has animate neuter supporter; Room clearing "Forest" with description "", w_to forest_field, s_to bank3, e_to edge, hasnt light; Room bank1 "River bank" with description "", w_to bank2, s_to river1, d_to river1, e_to bank3, n_to forest_field; Room bank2 "River bank" with description "", s_to river2, d_to river2, e_to bank1, n_to field, w_to "The bank becomes impassible to the west."; Room bank3 "River bank" with description "", w_to bank1, n_to clearing, e_to "You try to climb the wall, but it's too slick.", u_to "You try to climb the wall, but it's too slick.", s_to "Sharp rocks in the river make it impossible to enter here.", d_to "Sharp rocks in the river make it impossible to enter here."; Room river1 "River"; Room river2 "River"; Room river3 "Whirlpool"; Room path1 "Path"; Room path2 "Path"; Room bubble "Bubble"; Room edge "Edge of the Game" with description "I haven't written this bit in yet, sorry", w_to clearing; !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! Include "Grammar"; !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! Verb 'prance' = 'go'; Verb 'ride'='climb';